July 23rd, 2024. Zoho Authorization

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Zoho Authorization for accounts and bids has been added. Updated the login page. Noticed any bugs? Report them here

May 6th, 2023. Tristate loadboard integration

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Tri-state (tstate.com) has been integrated and their loads will appear on the loadboard as long as the development email receives them.

September 12, 2023. Server resources monitoring

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Added a monitoring system for server resources. This will allow us to plan future capacity accordingly. Fixes Group chat would show the same image in all chats when the message would be sent by a driver. Changing a

July 30, 2023. Zero downtime deployment

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Server-side improvements: added container orchestration for future stability and zero downtime deployment for new updates (meaning you won’t see the 502 error because of a hotfix, etc). Fixes Critical The active loads

July 20, 2023. Owner SMS chat improvements

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Added SMS chats for owners without vehicles. Changed the way load order info is sent in the loadboard when using SMS. Default chat will show the owner with the “Switch to driver” button above when available. Added BCC

June 30, 2023. Multiple loads for the same unit and status Planned

by Dmitrii
New and Improved 1. Status Planned A new location system has been added. You can now search loads at: Current location Planned location Both current and planned locations at the same time. Units may show up multiple times in the same

May 11, 2023. Quick access for Notes and Export update

by Dmitrii
New and Improved My Loads Notes can now be quickly accessed through My loads for Active, Check out and Completed sections. Accounting We’ve updated our NEC and Bank export according to the new requirements. All accounting

May 2, 2023. Quick send load

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Loadboard Added SMS button that automatically prepares a message with all load information to the selected driver in the loadboard. Sending an sms or calling the driver will shift focus to the Home section back from