April 19, 2023. Broker Rating
New and Improved
Broker Rating
Broker rating has been added. Managers can now rate brokers using the loadboard and the rating queue, which show the most relevant brokers 5 at a time. The rating database is company specific (not shared). Brokers only have 1 rating entry.

Dispatchers will see the rating on the loadboard as well as factoring, direct pay and notes inside the load.

Completing loads with brokers will automatically set Factoring status to a relevant one, taken from OTRCapital factoring API. This status will update once per week on Sunday nights.
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Altek Owners
Added driver names for Altek Owners units.

Show More button in Broker rating didn’t show more loads.
Show More button would erase unsaved changes during Broker rating.
Altek Drivers froze when sending BOL/POD by using the camera.
ETA, miles out for planned status units would be calculated from their current location for 2nd+ bids.
Transit time didn’t calculate for planned-in-bid units.
Planned-in-bid units would show their current location on the map.
Fixed an authorization 401 error for G+.
Loadboard would show unbidded loads older than 15 minutes.
Edit load would produce an error 400 on active bids.
Loadboard Improvements