New and Improved

  • Phone numbers, emails, and prices in notes are now visible to dispatchers. They’re still hidden from drivers and owners.

  • NEC and Bank exports have changed their format to CSV and will no longer output loads with a rate of 0.



  1. Inputting period “.” into the $/mi field will get you “0.” correctly from now on.

  2. Transit time for multipoint loads did not calculate correctly.

  3. Improved parsing of broken Bing Maps locations (TX, IL). If the route cannot be calculated, the parser will look for a similar location instead to make sure all loads appear on the loadboard.

  4. Fixed a broker parsing problem which lead to no broker company listed and a broken load with no unit matches, even though there were matching units nearby.


  • Switching from one unit to another in the loadboard wouldn’t change an open SMS chat.

  • Removed all non-working fields from the dashboard.

  • Removed an extra dollar sign “$” from the Pays field.

  • It was impossible to upload the same file after deleting it during the upload phase.

  • Fixed a visual error related to the file uploading area, which would go out of bounds on smaller screens.


  • Multiple loads on the same unit

  • Status Planned changes