New and Improved

  1. Driver section now opens first for My bids, My loads, Income to improve dispatching experience.

  2. Load Notes now always open first if there are more than 0 notes.

  3. Force update added for Altek Drivers, Altek Owners. After the driver updates to the newest version, the application will force them to update to critical app versions when required, meaning that they won’t be facing critical errors hindering their logins. Old version are not affected and will need a manual update.



  • Selecting a different from original driver wouldn’t work when assigning shipment.


  • Locations would save in Add Load Pick-up and Delivery fields after deletion.

  • Longer broker names will now wrap to the next line instead of going out of bounds.

  • Loadboard Filter now has a character limit for Loaded miles, Max miles out.

  • Add load fields Weight and Pieces now have a character limit.


Implemented database, cache replication and server balancer to reach 100% uptime in case of server failure.


  • Broker rating

  • Loadboard Improvements

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