

  • The dashboard for managers would show incorrect data for today’s Gross, Revenue, and Margin.

  • The map wouldn’t get shown in the Active load in the mobile version of Altekloads.

  • Sometimes the driver list wouldn’t load in the Loadboard.


  • The address wouldn’t get shortened for multipoint loads in Active loads.

  • Dashboard Posted loads data didn’t include manually added loads.

  • Changed Dispatcher Dashboard text from My loads for today to Loads received today.

  • Clicking the fax button wouldn’t save the phone number to the clipboard in My Bids/Active.

  • Clicking the email button of the broker or broker company wouldn’t save the email to the clipboard in My Bids/Active.

  • Team lists would show redundant users who were already a part of another group.

  • Time wouldn’t be shown correctly in the Capacity Search unit tooltip.

  • The previous location pin wouldn’t get removed after doing a new search in Capacity Search.

  • It was impossible to return to the previous page after the load changed status to Delivered.

  • Users in status Fired couldn’t log out.

  • Removed the Delete button in the List of Loads.

  • Removed the Logs button in the List of Loads.

  • Tags wouldn’t get set in the List of Loads.

  • The description wouldn’t get set in the List of Loads.

  • The manager list wouldn’t open in Accounting>Dispatchers>Active/Completed.

Noticed any bugs?

Report them here