New and Improved

  1. Added a new setting in Communications called Show phones to all users. If it’s turned on, all users will be able to see driver and owner phones in the Communications widget.

  2. Added a Delete button for users without roles.



  • Changed "My loads for today" to “Loads received today” in the dispatcher’s dashboard.

  • Fixed the Fired status users bug.

  • Drivers wouldn’t be shown in the load after receiving a bid in some cases.

  • Owners that already existed in Altekloads couldn’t be approved as owner-drivers.


  • Files in the cloud wouldn’t get deleted when deleting a load.

  • It was impossible to change a unit’s team or group if it had a load.

  • A team would get deleted when pressing No in the "Are you sure you want to delete this team?" modal window.

Noticed any bugs?

Report them here