May 23, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical My Bids / Unit page didn’t show any results due to a bug. Filter for weight in Capacity Search used an incorrect field instead of the Useful Payload. Other TONU and Canceled loads didn’t change their week number if the

May 19, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Phone numbers, emails, and prices in notes are now visible to dispatchers. They’re still hidden from drivers and owners. NEC and Bank exports have changed their format to CSV and will no longer output loads with a rate of

May 11, 2023. Quick access for Notes and Export update

by Dmitrii
New and Improved My Loads Notes can now be quickly accessed through My loads for Active, Check out and Completed sections. Accounting We’ve updated our NEC and Bank export according to the new requirements. All accounting

May 2, 2023. Quick send load

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Loadboard Added SMS button that automatically prepares a message with all load information to the selected driver in the loadboard. Sending an sms or calling the driver will shift focus to the Home section back from

April 24, 2023. HR Portal API update

by Dmitrii
New and Improved HR API for HR Portal has been updated. Authorization has been changed from logins to tokens. Phone numbers can now be updated without first rejecting the unit. Fixes Critical Brokers Check is now showing correct

April 20, 2023. Bug fixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical It’s possible to assign or edit shipments for manually added loads once again. Finish queue button will always be active from now on, even if you rated a broker from the queue before. Other Loads will no longer drop to

April 19, 2023. Broker Rating

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Broker Rating Broker rating has been added. Managers can now rate brokers using the loadboard and the rating queue, which show the most relevant brokers 5 at a time. The rating database is company specific (not shared).

April 18, 2023. Altek Apps authorization

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Altek Drivers and Altek Owners authorization codes are now available on demand for admins. Contact the admin if the driver doesn’t receive the code. Authorization security API has been greatly improved. Important: old

April 6, 2023. Speed improvements

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Loadboard speed improved for opening and closing the load. Match filter optimized. Fixes Critical Fixed a cache problem that led to server failure. Active load didn’t appear after creation. Broken notifications will