July 27, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical The dashboard for managers would show incorrect data for today’s Gross, Revenue, and Margin. The map wouldn’t get shown in the Active load in the mobile version of Altekloads. Sometimes the driver list wouldn’t load in

July 26, 2023. Bugfix

by Dmitrii
Fixes SMS notifications for owners without vehicles weren’t showing up in the Communications widget. Noticed any bugs? Report them here

July 21, 2023. Show phones to all users setting

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Added a new setting in Communications called Show phones to all users. If it’s turned on, all users will be able to see driver and owner phones in the Communications widget. Added a Delete button for users without

July 20, 2023. Owner SMS chat improvements

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Added SMS chats for owners without vehicles. Changed the way load order info is sent in the loadboard when using SMS. Default chat will show the owner with the “Switch to driver” button above when available. Added BCC

July 14, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical Requests for unit location updates were heavily delayed. Units and drivers wouldn’t show up at all for some loads. Noticed any bugs? Report them here

July 13, 2023. Expanded tracker access

by Dmitrii
New and Improved Trackers gained access to Edit load and deletion of files in the Docs section of My Loads. Trackers gained access to Canceled loads. Fixes Good to go notification didn’t disappear for loads with multiple Pick-Up

July 12, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical Fixed the load parsing error that lead to a reduced number of loads in the Loadboard. Added validation for On load status. It’s now impossible to change the unit’s status to Available if it has a load. Other The unit

July 11, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
Fixes Critical Fixed a problem that would lead to no current location updates from drivers. The dashboard loading speed has been increased. New Altek Owners users couldn’t log in due to a lack of geolocation in linked

July 10, 2023. Bugfixes

by Dmitrii
New and Improved It’s now possible to input company names in load address fields for Add Load, Edit load, and Assign Shipment. Drivers will be able to see the company name in the address as well. Added Current address variable in the